It’s time to get excited and lose our minds! Why? Because we have some revolotionary games coming out and I’m here to show you the one’s I think are going to KILL IT!

We’re going to be talking zombies, end of the world, dinosours, aliens and that’s in the first 5 minutes.

…Let’s Get It Started!!!

Red Dead Redemption

I had to hit this off with one of my all-time favorite games, red dead redemption.

Red Dead is and has been not just the greatest cowboy game I’ve played but one of the best all-round games.

It doesn’t get much better than horse riding, shootouts, chasing wanted men and tying people up with a rope and dragging them around, not to mention the stunning scenery this game had…

…Now Red Dead Redemption 2 we’ll be coming out early next year and the trailer hasn’t given too much away, but I’m sure that it’s going to be game-changing…

…Just wish Rockstar would release it on PC the same time as consoles.

We featured this game in our greatest open world games, be sure to go check that list out.

If you want more wild west games then check out that awesome list, it’s revolutionary, trust me.

Mass Effect: Andromeda

I could always see why people loved Mass Effect, but I’ve just never gelled with the series, I’m putting that aside for this bad boy as it looks absolutely mint.

You’ve got aliens, deep story, RPG gameplay and what looks like an amazing in-game world to explore.


Resident Evil

I had to have one down right scary game on this list and Resident Evil looks like it has that covered.

From what I’ve seen from the trailer it looks like Resident Evil has got it’s life sorted after more than a few bad releases, but I’ve learned to not get excited at resident evil due to them not creating a game that truly submersed me since number 4.

Resident evil is pure awesome so I’ve made an article with games like it, check them out if you want scary, infected things trying to kill you.


After E3 I was excited for 3 games, one dead rising, two days gone, three Prey.

Prey looks like something else and even though the trailer didn’t give anything away it looks like a weird alien shooter, with an awesome story.

Now I really hope Prey lives up and is an alien shooter mixed with a clean story, but only the next trailer will tell.

Days Gone

OW BOY!!! Days Gone is coming and I think I’m right when I say this might be the greatest zombie game ever?


It’s the first game since left 4 dead that look like they’ve mastered zombie hordes, making them way bigger and even better.

Now the only BIG downside to this game is that it’s only coming out for PS4 something that I feel will damage it’s success as I’ve got access to a PC and an Xbox, but won’t be getting a PS4 just to play this title, which is a shame and seems to be the same across many of my friends…

…But I ain’t going to lie, if I find someone with Days Gone and a PS4 OMG I’m going to lose my mind!

Horizon Zero Dawn

I’ve got a feeling that this may be the next BIG game… I’m talking Skyrim size, just the way that trailer looked and how the gameplay looks so addictive makes me feel like this is going to be a real winner.

If you enjoy RPG, world of warcraft, mixed into a bouncy version of Skyrim (with completely different graphics) then you need to click that trailer button and see exactly hat Horizon Zero Dawn is going to offer.

I’ll be frank, I don’t usually like games like this but after watching that trailer this is on my day one release purchase list.

Halo Wars 2

I think many Xbox players hold Halo deep in their hearts as one of the first multiplayer experiences, at least I do, and that’s why Halo Wars 2 had to be here, that and the crazy cinematic trailer that leaves me with shivers.

Do I think this will be a game changer? Not really… Am I more excited for Destiny 2? HELL YES! But it’s still Halo and I’m always excited to see what they’re bringing to the table.

Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands

I’ve been playing Rainbow Six Siege for a few weeks and I’m in love, and that’s one of the reasons I’ve popped Tom Clancy’s on this list.

What do I think about Wildlands? I think that I’ll hold off the hype, I’ve been excited on numerous times for ghost recon games only to be disappointed and usually not even make it past the purchase page once reading the reviews, now from the trailer this looked really hopeful, but who knows?

Dead Rising 4

OMG it’s Dead Rising and I’m buzzing like a bee to get it.

There’s something so magical about creating a weapon, running into a horde of zombies and just spinning in circles killing everything in your way, not to mention driving little tricks with your friends online, while on your way to kick some zombie *ss.

Dead Rising looked like it usually does and that makes me happy because I love this game for what it is, bump up the graphics, give me some story and a new map and let me go zombie hunting.

If you like zombies be sure to check out our 20 zombie games that will change the way you game.

God Of War

God of War was my PSP game of choice… Anyone else? And after seeing the trailer for this I’ve got a feeling it’s going to work it’s way back into my heart. Now this is a serious up and comer of 2017 and for that I cannot wait for its release.

The trailer made me pumped up and I felt like the map and the game mechanics are going to be easy to love.

Plus the graphics and the boss fights… I cannot wait!

Sniper Elite 4

I’m a sniper and whenever a game allows me to take on that role and that’s why I get excited when I see sniper elite.

Now this game isn’t my all-time favorite snipping game but this one does look great. I do feel like it’s a game I’ll have to get straight out and play, just to stop me getting constantly owned online, but that’s just life when you’re playing sniper games.

Another one of the highlights for me about this game is the story and the older I get the more I enjoy a story mode for when I’m bored of multiplayer leveling up, hopefully, this story lives up to expectations.

Snipping is awesome, so I want to invite you to check out the greatest sniper games ever made.

After a few hours of searching and a lot of trailer watching that was my list, I’d love to know what you think of the upcoming games of next year? Are you excited? Do you feel a little bored and want something new? tell me in the comments below.