It’s time to celebrate one of the best games of this century which is Skyrim and in doing so we’re going to find games that will replace the void this beauty left behind.
I’ve taken time to hand pick, play and experience the games on this list, I’ve also added ones that people asked and recommended and even taken some of the highest reviewed games from all over the web.
I hope you enjoy and be sure to add games I’ve missed in the comments below.
If you want to learn how I get all my games, plus the ones on this list for over half the price off then check out this AMAZING cheap game guide (same method I use on all the games I buy).
Tip: I created a best price finder that will find you the best price for all the games on the list, just click the link and it’ll search 50 + stores for you.
The Witcher 3
I couldn’t bring myself to create this and not put The Whitcher 3 at the top.
As you may know the Witcher is one of the best open world games to have ever be created.
If you imagine a completely open world similar to Skyrim with beautiful scenery amazing combat and loads of opportunity for multiple playbacks.
The hype for this game is crazy and so it should be, there’s a massive community of die-hard fans behind it.
It has also got one of the most riveting stories, all based around hunting and killing witches, just watching the trailer will fill you with excitement and any review on this game will speak for it.
You can get The Witcher at a MASSIVE discount using our price finder.
For every choice, a consequence awaits you in this epic fantasy open-world game.
If you’re looking for an adventure, in a cartoony style Skyrim environment then Fable will be just the game you’re looking for.
This single-player game is awesome and the story along with gameplay have really allowed this game to stand the test of time.
It’s baby Skyrim and even though most of you will have played with before touching Skyrim, there still might be a few out there who have not experienced the joys Fable has to offer you.
Grab your sword mate, we’re going on a quest.
Check these Fable alternative games, to play once you’ve finished Fable.
Dark Souls
Remember back in the 90’s when games used to make you want to pull your hair out and were extremely challenging and took skill.
I’m taking you back to the times where you were scared to turn off your console just in case the game didn’t save.
If you haven’t realized games have become easy… However, there are exceptions, Dark Souls is that.
This dark fantasy RPG is one of the most challenging yet rewarding gaming experiences around.
From the epic boss battles to the challenging story, this is an abusive relationship that you can’t resist coming back too (said many steam reviews).
If that sounds like your kind of game then get it at 60% off using our best price finder.
If you’re into challenging games then you should check out this list of games like dark souls.
Elder Scrolls Oblivion
This list wouldn’t be complete without an honorable mention to oblivion.
If you liked Skyrim then why not jump back a game and play Oblivion, if you liked Skyrim you’ll love it as it’s just an older version, with a whole new story, a great open world and tons of things to do.
Again there’s the same rules as there are in the Skyrim world, you can explore, evolve and level up and there’s easily another 20 hours + of gaming to be had with this epic game.
If you’re a budget gamer like most of us then the good news is that this game is CHEAP, I mean you can pick it up in most game stores second hand for dollars or online (using link above) for even cheaper.
Dragon Age
I actually played Dragon Age (games like dragon age) before Skyrim, it set me up and I can tell you first hand that Dragon age is a game a Skyrim fan will love.
In this story-rich RPG that’s filled with fighting, guts, dragon fights and exploring you’ll play a character called grew warden, one of the last legendary order of guardians.
Your job is to slay, kill and beat your way to a world without the archdemons!
If this sounds like something you’re going to dig then get your butt on it.
I was surprised to see how well this game has held up after replaying, it feels clean, has good controls and is definitely a must for anyone wanting to fill the deep void Skyrim leaves behind.
Again you can find Dragon Age for a couple of bucks using the link above and this is definitely a game I’d recommend for RPG lovers.
Ryse: Son of Rome
Want to experience the blood and guts that Rome has to offer?
This quick time story delivers constant action, amazing graphics and a very gripping story that has you battling it out as a gladiator.
As games go this is one you’ve definitely got to play, it will blow your mind, you’ll look at the time and your hours will disappear as you dive deeper into the fantastic story this game has to offer.
It’s nowhere near as open as Skyrim (that would be hard) and doesn’t have as many small details, but if you want to cut up some enemies, got into the thick of battle and feel like you’re a real warrior then this is without a doubt the game you’ll want to play.
When I made this list, this game had just come out, now after a few years you can get it for a great price, so it’s totally worth a try.
Risen 3
Want a deep dark RPG in an open world? You’ll be into Risen then.
This Adventure, fantasy game allows you to explore, embark on quests at your own leisure, play, explore or go hunting, it’s all up to you.
Now it has gotten a little bit of a bad wrap over the last months, but I personally think it’s still a great play.
It’s gotten a few glitches and could do with some updating, but for an old game it’s pure awesome and takes me back to the Risen days.
There’s many similarities between both the games and I know fellow skyrimer’s will love it and you can pick it up for just $5.
Side note: If you want an amazing through-back, get yourself Risen (the first game), it’s awesome. For a game made in 2009 it holds up perfectly and is a total blast.
This was the start for a lot of RPG gamers and I love it.
World of Warcraft
If you’ve been gaming for a few years the chances are you know world of warcraft, as it was once one of the biggest multiplayer games ever created.
World of Warcraft isn’t the same game as Skyrim but it’s very addictive and shares a few similarities, like quests, open world, exploring and adventures.
If you like Skyrim chances are this beast of a game will get you hooked and keep you there.
World of Warcraft is still an ultra-popular game with a great fan base that excepts new players better than a lot of modern games.
It’s still as addictive as it was when it first started, just be careful because if Skyrim had you grinding and got you addicted, World of Warcraft will do the same, 10 fold.
Far Cry
Far Cry is a complete Wildcard, it’s not on the same page as Skyrim, however, it’s an adventure packed game with loads to explore, quest-like missions, an open world and lots of guns and shooting.
There are animals that will kill you and the amount of fan you can have playing this co-op with a friend is almost unmatchable.
The elements of Far Cry that got it on the list really come down to the open world, the upgrades to your character, the freedom and quests, there are lots of things that are completely different as you can imagine.
However, personally I’ve found a lot of fun and similarities in both games, so I wanted to give it a mention.
You can get Far Cry using our best price finder at the best price online.
Fallout (games just like fallout) is the second Wildcard of the list.
Why is Fallout here? It’s because there’s something similar about both these games, whether it’s the RPG aspects, the skill sets, the open world of the gameplay, it all feels awesome and I just think that if you enjoyed Skyrim, the chances are you’ll love Fallout too.
When I made this list I felt like Fallout was similar, however, I double down on that now, with the release of the new fallout, I get the same buzz, the grinding buzz that I did with Skyrim and for that reasons I should have put this game at the top, second to The Witcher, as both are a great place to start once you finish Skyrim and want a change.
You can get all the Fallout games for Xbox, Ps4 and PC using our awesome best price finder.
Gothic is another timeless game that just becomes a bigger classic as the years go on.
Gothic is set in a world overrun by orcs from the dark lands of the north and it’s up to you as the last set of troops to defend and kill the orcs.
This Fantasy, Gothic RPG game is set in an open world and for the low price of $3 really does give you pure value for money.
Mass Effect
The third and last wildcard of the list is Mass Effect another game that I believe is a must for any Skyrim lover.
This fully packed RPG game allows you to customize, level up and experience weird alien stuff.
Look I’ll never be able to sum this game up as good as the gaming trailer will, just take my word and know it’s one of the best RPG’s to ever be created (my opinion).
Mass Effect has gone down in my opinion since releasing this list, I still think it’s worth a revisit, however, I don’t feel like it’s a must for all you Skyrim players.
The first and second Mass Effect (Mass Effect similar games) has a lot of similarities and will keep you busy with character customization, story progression and the sense of freedom this game gives you.
However, the future releases of Mass Effect don’t hold up for me.
You can get it on PC, PS4 and Xbox and the best price online using our cheapest price finder.
Assassin’s Creed
Take a look back into your past to realize that you’re a part of a creed of assassins and relive the craziness of their lives.
Take your time, plan your kills and explore the open world that offers creative kills, epic sword fights and battles where you run away and end up hiding in hay… yes that’s a thing.
The world has a similar feel, the graphics are in the same realm, the story is more restrictive and less free, but that sometimes allows me to go deeper into the storyline and enjoy it more.
I also love the fact that similar to Skyrim it’s easy to be overwhelmed in combat, so you’ve got to think smart and play strategically, or run, run, hide in hay, run some more and then hide in more hay and finally have 5 minutes rest before you repeat the whole process again.
Check out these addictive games just like Assassin’s Creed.
Venture into the crazy RPG that is Borderlands and take in the awesome graphics, amazing environment and awesome grind and gameplay.
You could say borderland is a wildcard, but these games share a lot in common, just not set in the same fantasy universe, other than that the story, RPG elements, looting and grinding remain the same.
This game ages perfectly, you could pick up a copy of 1 or 2 and all the addons and have 50+ hours of gaming ready for you.
There’s still a gaming community and it remains one of my favorite all time games.
If you haven’t picked up borderlands nows your time, get it play through and enjoy the awesomeness.
Also, if we could all ask for a Borderlands that would be amazing, seriously amazing… 2k please make a new borderlands.
If you’ve already played Borderlands, but love the game then you can check out these games that are similar to Borderlands.
Dishonored 2
Take your role as a supernatural assassin and take revenge for past horrors that have been done to you.
if you want a stealth, action-packed assassin game, Dishonored 2 is going to leave your heart pounding and your brain screaming for more.
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning
We’re ending with a strong game that’s just like Skyrim.
Kingdoms of Amalur is an RPG, fantasy game that’s single player and packed with an epic story.
With world of warcraft style graphics, an awesome combat system and tons of weapons, leveling and bosses to take on it’s hard not to be blown away by how awesome this game is.
What’s best of all is you can get it for 80% off using our discount link.
I will continue to update this Skyrim article as time goes on, this has had its 3rd update and I’ll keep adding new games and changing my opinions as things change.
If you have any games that are like Skyrim then let me know in the comments, I’ll add them to the list and give you credit.
I hope you have an awesome day and get the game of your dreams (probably witcher 3 or fallout if I’m being honest).